11 reasons to visit Hawaii

Actually do you really need 11 reasons to visit these islands?  They’ve been on my bucket list since the early 70’s since I first saw Hawaii 5-O!  But just in case you do need persuading, have a look at this article

I think my favourite reasons for visiting are nature and the incredible sunsets.   I think if you’re going that distance, then you absolutely have to visit more than one island.  They all have something different to offer.  Oahu is very urban and has the famous Waikiki Beach.  Kauai is the oldest island with the whitest sandy beaches.  Maui is the second largest island and has a good mix between secluded rural towns and busy urban areas.   Molokai and Lanai are two small islands off the coast of Maui – great if you want to get away from it all.  The Big Island is still growing due to the active volcano there, with beaches mainly black or gray sand.

It’s still on my bucket list – but I need to sell more holidays to afford to go LOL


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